Reason 31 – I WILL pass my driving test

Me and driving do not mix. I have a propensity for thinking about all the worst possible outcomes for the things I do, and when you’re driving a car around, there are a lot of options for potential bad outcomes. I’ve been learning to drive since before university and I’m still taking lessons now. Staying vague on the number of times I’ve taken my test, it’s in the ridiculous, and I’ve had to take my theory test twice because the first one ran out. I do feel the need to clarify, I’ve not been continuously taking tests + lessons over this time, did have a break while at uni, but still, the numbers are embarassing.

My main problem is nerves get the better of me on the practical, and either I make big stupid mistakes, or enough little ones to get me a fail. I can drive perfectly well under normal conditions, but put a test person in the car and I go to pieces. And it’s annoying, and really frustrating, and I’m ending up in tears each time I fail now.

So I need my stubborness to kick in. There are plenty of drivers around who should not be allowed on the road, I even saw some on my last test. For basic skills needed for adults, I’m refusing to let this one pass me by. I already can’t cook, so not having another life skill isn’t allowed. The chances are, once I pass my test, my life will (hopefully) improve significantly due to it allowing me easier social time and being able to apply for more jobs. Going on the list of things to do before I die – blow my examiner’s mind with my awesome driving skills.

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